Isis Bungalows


There are numerousf massage women in on area of the beach waiting for you to give you a good and relaxation massage under un coconut tree.
At the back of the beach, you'll find a great number of Spa and massage facilities.
Wellness is otherwise eating fresh and healthy food from the sea along with vegetables and a wonderful choice of fruits.
Swimming in the sea is also so healthy. Just protect yourself from the sun in the middle of the day.

Feedback from our Guests


From Korea
알로나비치를 산책하다가 점심식사하러 들렀습니다. 알로나비치 중간쯤에 위치하고 있습니다. 바다도 잘보여서 분위기도 좋습니다.

Ralph Ryan Rempojo

From Mexico
Giving you a taste of seafood at its best. 🍢 Affordable and mouth watering food. 😋

Jhoanna Isla

From Philippine
Flavorful and fresh food Plats et boissons : I wanted to try more of their food. Everything was delicious.

Arthur Ma

From France
Bonne nourriture de la mer.


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